Is it possible to setup a small wireless network so that it will block users from accessing "bad" websites unless they enter a password?
Not sure if this should go here or in requests but here goes anyways. Object edit is a good app, but it could be better. So this thread is for anyone to make suggestions for it. I'll keep bumping it for a while and maybe if enough people start requesting stuff we'll see some more development. I'll start it off with TABS ! In my case this would be super useful when trying to mod skins. Instead of having multiple windows with reference files and the one I'm working on I could just flip fr...
Now I could be delusional, but I swear I remember being able to drag a toolbar off of XPs taskbar onto the desktop, and then dock it to a screen edge. Now when I try to do it I get the lttle drag n' drop image under the cursor, but when I release on the desktop nothing happens except for a couple seconds of harddrive activity. Anyone want to tell me I'm crazy or tell me why I can't do this?