Published on July 21, 2006 By dragonmage In OS Customization
Now I could be delusional, but I swear I remember being able to drag a toolbar off of XPs taskbar onto the desktop, and then dock it to a screen edge.

Now when I try to do it I get the lttle drag n' drop image under the cursor, but when I release on the desktop nothing happens except for a couple seconds of harddrive activity.

Anyone want to tell me I'm crazy or tell me why I can't do this?

on Jul 21, 2006
Hmm, I recall this feature as well. I just tried it with the "Address" bar in XP SP2 and it worked fine... make sure the Taskbar is set to 'unlocked'.
on Jul 22, 2006
Yeah, thats the first thing I looked for. I even went so far as to open IE and unlock the toolbars there... still no help
on Jul 22, 2006
ObjectBar and Objecectbar+ and DesxtopX = no taskbar.   
on Jul 22, 2006
Works for me.
on Jul 22, 2006
Well this is actually something I was tryin to do for my girlfriend, she doesn't care for all the fancy stuff like OB and DX. I still want to get the icons off her desktop though.
on Jul 22, 2006
Can you drag a folder from the desktop to the edge and make a bar?
on Jul 23, 2006
Yes that works. I can drag the desktop folder for her and for All Users to the edge and make 2 toolbars and then drag one on to the other. This effectively accomplishes what I want. Thanks Bichur.

I would still like to know why I can't drag the taskbar toolbars off...
on Jul 23, 2006
Don't know.

Maybe it has to do with Active Desktop?