Not sure if this should go here or in requests but here goes anyways.

Object edit is a good app, but it could be better. So this thread is for anyone to make suggestions for it. I'll keep bumping it for a while and maybe if enough people start requesting stuff we'll see some more development.

I'll start it off with TABS! In my case this would be super useful when trying to mod skins. Instead of having multiple windows with reference files and the one I'm working on I could just flip from tab to tab. Hotkeys for tab switching are a must, and mouse gestures would be even better.

I'm sure I'll think of more later but thats the big one. What can the rest of you come up with?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 17, 2007
Wow. I had this thread on my watch list but I haven't been notified about any activity.

I'd really like to see UTF-8 support. I sent an support ticked to stardock last week actually about this.

* When you scroll up or down a document and your cursor happend to move outside the area of the scrollbar it will scrollback to it's original position

This is a 'feature'. The original code moved the edit point to the currently scrolled viewpoint, but this was determined to be an incorrect behaviour as you had not changed your edit location. I'm still not positive what the 'correct' behaviour is in this case. I'm open to input. When you scroll, what should the 'edit' point be if you haven't clicked to change it?

I think that as long as the mouse button is held down the scrolling should not revert to either the cursor point or the last view port even though it leaves the client area.
And I'd also prefer that if the mouse button is released outside the client area the scroll should stop where it is and not revert back to any previous positions then either.
My point view is that I often use the scrollbar very quickly, I slam the cursor in the general direction I want to scroll the content, so the cursor doesn't always remain within the client area of the scrollbar.
on Jan 21, 2007
* LineCount Color

This should probably be user selectable.

Or at least use matching system colours and no hardcoded ones.
on Jan 21, 2007
Yay! ObjectEdit's gettin some lovin!  I love using this program... I wish there was a little more complete documetation on writing the .syn files as well, if we're in the market for suggestions.
on Jan 21, 2007
I wish there was a little more complete documetation on writing the .syn files as well

I would pay ten bucks just for that!
on Jan 21, 2007
When I first subscribed to Object Desktop, I loved OE. As I used it more and more, I found more and more limitations, (many of which have been mentioned by thomassen earlier) and ended up switching to Notepad++. I have it on my USB key, my U3 drive (similar to USB key), my desktop and my laptop. Basically, I like it a lot. Not to knock your program, Dru, but take a look at Notepad ++ and see what can be done better, and what features you might like to add into OE. Looking at your post, you seem to have a good handle on that already.

I know I do need to take a new look at OE, and maybe I'll be switching back. Going to install now...
on Apr 03, 2007
Any words on an update? Nothing has appeared on ODNT..
on May 09, 2007
I'm still working on the changes. The rework to add tabs correctly broke alot of functionality and I'm really not happy with the overall functionality of the tabs. So, at this point, I've split the changes into two parts. Tabs are secondary (this is a codebase that was never intended to be MDI so tabs is really non-trivial) I hope to have something in the short term (end of May) that doesn't include tabs but does sport some of the changes, and then the Tabs version in June or July.

on May 09, 2007
Thanks Andy, can't wait to see what you have done.
on May 10, 2007
Sounds great.
The tabs are a mere convenience than necessary IMO.
UTF-8 support is one of my biggest hopes.
on Jun 20, 2007
It's June, nothing yet
on Jun 21, 2007
Fingers crossed for July
on Jun 21, 2007
Any chance for multi-language support ?
on Jun 21, 2007
What do you mean? Localization of the program?
Or syntax highlighting of multiple languages in one doc? That can already be done you know.
on Jun 21, 2007
on Jul 31, 2007
BUMP. (so much for June or July)
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